DENIED!! Hahaha!!!
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old and gay
This “Administration” is so beta ???
Jill is an Evil ignorant bitch, yeah sure... but she has to know better than that, the Airman cannot break protocol for her or POTUS even, usually. If she expected him to acknowledge her she is yet more stupid than I thought.
Traitor joe the Pedo is REALLY POTUS...? This has to be a mass acid trip, someone poisoned all the water.
Just like your previous comments... getting deleted because... they’re dumb and makes people this board look like idiots
He isn’t allowed to shake hands while at attention. Plus, he’s holding his weapon anyway.....low effort post.
Low effort? Shows you how desperately the Biden’s are seeking approval...
What it shows is the she doesn’t know anything about proper Military Decorum, nor do you apparently. I on the other hand, do know and lived it for 3 years where I probably pulled 200 ceremonies, 150 or so funerals, one inaugural, one G8 summit, etc. etc. I don’t know a lot and try to just read the comments here, but I do know what I’m talking about on this subject. I still have friends in The Old Guard and get my intel from them; nothing requiring a breaking of oath before some dimwit chimes in on the subject. I had clearance to be next to the President and often was.
Don’t mean to change the subject, but since you mentioned it (The Old Guard) what would be the reason that they threw their hats on the ground? And reason why the gentleman in the front took off his hat, lowered what he was holding in right hand, and bowed as he was walking?
I have friends who were THERE. A Company guys ( continental color Guard) do not have chinstraps and the wind took the tricorn hats off. Fife and Drum Corps does have chinstraps and lost zero hats.. The CCG Drum Major takes off his hat like that as part of his salute. FDC Drum Major does not because of the shape of hate and chinstrap. His is made of Buffalo hide and fur and quite large. He carries an Espontoon and salutes with his left hand, British style. Sounds weird perhaps but is historically accurate, just like why they wear Red Coats. Literally nothing to see here with either action, I promise you. Same goes for the 21 gun salute which Varies all the time. They had 2 full honors jobs at the same time. 3 guns vs 4 guns is all but meaningless and President Trump would have gotten the ‘extra’ on his way out.
Thanks for the clarification... honestly I just found it kinda funny how Jill reached out for a hand shake... she’s only been in the WH as 2nd Lady for 8 years already
Agreed. Simply beyond stupid and yes, she should certainly know better. What I hate is that it puts the soldier (airman here) in a awkward position. I had all manner of stupid shit done to me while at attention. People think they’re clever when you can’t do anything back, sort of like the Tomb Guards or the guards at Buckingham but even they get to defend themselves.