You must be drinking the MSM kool-aid to say something so .... ass backwards. The election was not lost, it was stolen and it wouldn't have mattered if literally 90+% of people voted for him, they would have cheated it. Complacency you say? Complacency is believing the election was lost and there nothing that can be done. Stop projecting.
I didn’t mean the democrats legitimately won the election. All your trust the plan bullshit let people and I quote “get comfy and wait” instead of acting. You bitches like to think you part of something special to make you feel better about you lives. I hate to break it to you there is nothing special about this except lunacy.
You must be drinking the MSM kool-aid to say something so .... ass backwards. The election was not lost, it was stolen and it wouldn't have mattered if literally 90+% of people voted for him, they would have cheated it. Complacency you say? Complacency is believing the election was lost and there nothing that can be done. Stop projecting.
I didn’t mean the democrats legitimately won the election. All your trust the plan bullshit let people and I quote “get comfy and wait” instead of acting. You bitches like to think you part of something special to make you feel better about you lives. I hate to break it to you there is nothing special about this except lunacy.