Your language and rhetoric betrays your intent. You wax poetic when plain language would serve communication better. Look in the mirror to find who is seeking up votes. Your comments are soaked in arrogance and backhanded encouragement.
I stand by my claim that you are a minion of those who abuse humanity.
While I agree, many on these boards in both TDW/Patriots and GAW often get hung up on a detail and are reluctant to follow rabbit holes, this is part of the process of learning and teaching each other critical thinking. There are very few boards that have participants that are fully educated in critical thinking, logic, a broad range of reference information under their belt, and a willingness to digest hours of video information or pages of legal documents. Many even have challenges putting together search strings. There is good fodder for them to learn here though. Those of us who have one or more of these skills have an obligation to guide, not chastise.
I continue to have my doubts about your intentions here as you pit GAW vs. TDW/Patriots. I've yet to meet a true patriot who invest time in painting a divide between the two endeavors. In other words, your slip is showing.
Your language and rhetoric betrays your intent. You wax poetic when plain language would serve communication better. Look in the mirror to find who is seeking up votes. Your comments are soaked in arrogance and backhanded encouragement.
I stand by my claim that you are a minion of those who abuse humanity.
Up vote seekers are those that go on military sites or scour the internet for any little thing they can twist and turn to mean what they want.
I am here fighting for you guys. Go to and see the quality posts there
pretty soon serious fighters will migrate there.
Because the substance is leaving this place.
My time is important to me, I am staying to fight for you all to go back to hard research and sauce.
I have been around since the beginning. Sorry if you don't like my communication style, I am trying to express it as best as I can.
As Patriots we need to stay together. Lets look at what we are really fighting and there is more in common than not.
If your friend was about to get hit by a car, would you call out and warm him.
That is what I am trying to do. But you are entitled to your opinion.
While I agree, many on these boards in both TDW/Patriots and GAW often get hung up on a detail and are reluctant to follow rabbit holes, this is part of the process of learning and teaching each other critical thinking. There are very few boards that have participants that are fully educated in critical thinking, logic, a broad range of reference information under their belt, and a willingness to digest hours of video information or pages of legal documents. Many even have challenges putting together search strings. There is good fodder for them to learn here though. Those of us who have one or more of these skills have an obligation to guide, not chastise.
I continue to have my doubts about your intentions here as you pit GAW vs. TDW/Patriots. I've yet to meet a true patriot who invest time in painting a divide between the two endeavors. In other words, your slip is showing.