This is all very interesting, but, the bottom line is this. If/since ' they' changed it in 1871, ' they' can, AND WILL change what ever they need to to proceed with their plans.
Sorry, us mortals do NOT matter to these people.
I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but thinking anything other than force ( power) is going to change anything is simply ' Hopium'.
The stolen election has shown us how the "Just Us" system works.
This is what the "Great awakening" is.
Please plan accordingly
This is all very interesting, but, the bottom line is this. If/since ' they' changed it in 1871, ' they' can, AND WILL change what ever they need to to proceed with their plans.
Sorry, us mortals do NOT matter to these people. I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, but thinking anything other than force ( power) is going to change anything is simply ' Hopium'.
The stolen election has shown us how the "Just Us" system works. This is what the "Great awakening" is. Please plan accordingly