I'm a total noob to programming but there were some things that I thought were odd.. Correct me if they're no big deal.
"<meta property="article:publisher" content="https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/" />" Why is facebook even remotely associated with the white house page?? I thought that was a government run website.
Then there's strange comments like this in the code "real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->"
And why are there two DOD pages?
https://dod.defense.gov/ < old
https://www.defense.gov/ < redesign
Is this normal?
Maybe someone who's better at this stuff can find more meaning in the comments on these pages.
Funny coming from someone who supports communism. You either know jack shit about economics or just have a deep seeded grudge against food.
Okay then prove how your are entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor. MORON