Ok, it's pretty simple. This Mr. Gaul has formed a club using DJT as the face of it. Any money collected is done so using DJT as a draw. Trump is letting everyone know that he is not involved so he's not held liable should any shit show ensue because of it. Also, money collected is money that has to be accounted for. Let's say this guy collected $1 mil. Then, sails off into the sunset, leaving donors high and dry. Who are they gonna go after? Some nobody? Or GEOTUS?
Ok, it's pretty simple. This Mr. Gaul has formed a club using DJT as the face of it. Any money collected is done so using DJT as a draw. Trump is letting everyone know that he is not involved so he's not held liable should any shit show ensue because of it. Also, money collected is money that has to be accounted for. Let's say this guy collected $1 mil. Then, sails off into the sunset, leaving donors high and dry. Who are they gonna go after? Some nobody? Or GEOTUS?
what is GEOTUS
lol at getting downvoted and no one answered question.
nickname from td_win, god emperor of the united states, a joke based on a Warhammer commander someone made in europe at a parade from my memory. https://azure.wgp-cdn.co.uk/app-table-top-gaming/posts/trump-93102.png?&width=1200&height=630&mode=crop
edit: the article states the meme came out before the parade float.
think anyone is going to make anything this awesome for Piss Pants Biden?
Yep, came from one of the Frank Herbert dune novels.
Stands for God Emperor Of The United States, from Warhammer and Dune references.
It's a phrase we use.
G.od E.mperor o.f T.he U.nited S.tates.
I prefer the augmented ''GEOTUS REX''
It's an affectionate name for POTUS - God Emperor Of The United States. Sometime VSGPOTUS (Very Stable Genius POTUS)
Just a question back at you (which might explain the downvote):
On desktop (assume similar possible on portable) ...
= 5 clicks
Q is about research. Does it help you to ask someone else to do it for you?
(Just trying to help)
This guy is an asshole.
Yeah stfu Daxx
Opinions vary.
Amazing how they got the correct definition while you were lyfao.
Where's the best place to look up DICTONAIRY, power player?