Pretty close can means anything.
Some fuckos are going to say that, and when pushed will say something with "Very close, because he's always in my heart". It's 100% deniable.
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Q hasn't filed any form of legal document, such as a "Form 1 (Statement of Organization)" listing Trump as a participant in their fundraising etc... like the "Patriot Party" people did.
Q is not associated with Trump, at best people "assume" and "presume" there's a link.
All that has been said by Q, such as "being close" could also literally be said from enemies who work against him, and keep him close. It literally proves nothing, legally.
Well the impression given is that they work with Trump, and in fact they asked him to run (or someone in MI did). It is also widely believed that the person who signed himself Q+ is actually Trump himself.
You can't sue people for "impression given", because that's entirely subjective, and anyone can claim the impression given is whatever they want.
If I say "Q is a larp" or "Q is actually a deep state psyop" or "Q is Trump", and all the justification given is "the impression given", then all those statements have the same factual value, which is "none".
"Impression given" is 100% divorced from facts.
Nothing Q says, or Trump says, can be used as conclusive facts that they have any kind of connection what so ever.
Like you said, it's just "suppositions". Nobody knows, everyone "assumes".
I'm not saying he's not involved or anything like that, I'm saying he's not DIRECTLY involved. They can't legally tie him to Q, because there are no "actual" link between Trump and Q, it's all, and always has been, "inferred".
That's the difference.
Those guys where almost pasting Trump's face on their ads.
Trump never directly claim to work for Trump, or be endorsed by Trump.
They can't legally tie him to Q, that's the difference.
Your tactic of trying to divide people by calling everyone CNN are shit, and not working. Get fucked.
Did Q claim to work for Trump, or be endorsed by Trump?
Q said they were very close to Trump. only 10 people know who it is, only 3 are civilian.
Pretty close can means anything.
Some fuckos are going to say that, and when pushed will say something with "Very close, because he's always in my heart". It's 100% deniable.
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Q hasn't filed any form of legal document, such as a "Form 1 (Statement of Organization)" listing Trump as a participant in their fundraising etc... like the "Patriot Party" people did.
Q is not associated with Trump, at best people "assume" and "presume" there's a link.
All that has been said by Q, such as "being close" could also literally be said from enemies who work against him, and keep him close. It literally proves nothing, legally.
Well the impression given is that they work with Trump, and in fact they asked him to run (or someone in MI did). It is also widely believed that the person who signed himself Q+ is actually Trump himself.
You can't sue people for "impression given", because that's entirely subjective, and anyone can claim the impression given is whatever they want.
If I say "Q is a larp" or "Q is actually a deep state psyop" or "Q is Trump", and all the justification given is "the impression given", then all those statements have the same factual value, which is "none".
"Impression given" is 100% divorced from facts.
Nothing Q says, or Trump says, can be used as conclusive facts that they have any kind of connection what so ever.
Like you said, it's just "suppositions". Nobody knows, everyone "assumes".
Except all the Q posts and Trump tweets that correlate to the second
Coink ki dinks aren't factual evidence that can be used in court.
But nice try FBI/CNN.
There has been some posts saying Trump is in on the plan
In may ways, yes. But always somewhat indirectly.
Here is just one example:
I am sure you can find more if you look:
I'm not saying he's not involved or anything like that, I'm saying he's not DIRECTLY involved. They can't legally tie him to Q, because there are no "actual" link between Trump and Q, it's all, and always has been, "inferred".
That's the difference.
Those guys where almost pasting Trump's face on their ads.
Yes, of course they leave room for plausible deniability.
But at the same time, everyone on both sides knows Trump is associated with Q. It is not a secret.
I am positive that if Trump were not in fact associated with Q, he would have readily denounced it.
Trump never directly claim to work for Trump, or be endorsed by Trump.
They can't legally tie him to Q, that's the difference.
Your tactic of trying to divide people by calling everyone CNN are shit, and not working. Get fucked.
Says the Chinese Pedo...