The alternative to parties which are divisive, detract from any message, and encourage people to merely check the box with the proper party letter, is NO party. Our government was set up to be overseen by the people who knew their extensive rights, duties and responsibilities. I doubt that this was realized as vital since our country began. When we see where we are now, we begin to understand just how evil this whole agenda has been and that we MUST do things differently if we want better results
As the people, our duties and rights (which were stolen from us) include the committeeman process (vastly different from the perversion that has been in place for some years) and control and operation of the petit and grand juries. Our founding documents are statements in common law--what we had in our courts until 1934 when the BAR abrogated our common law by combining it with equity law (contracts, etc.). The result was "civil" law which is unconstitutional, run by judges (have no place in our common law courts), has no jurisdiction whatsoever, and delivers gross and ugly INjustice. The third leg of this process is constitutional sheriffs. Most of them have no clue what their duties are, who they answer to, who they rightly protect and certainly have no idea what the Constitution actually says....that they took a sacred oath to obey and defend.
The committeeman process, as it exists now, consists of "committeemen" (2 in my state) in each district of a state and a party boss at the top; all for one party. The RIGHTFUL job of a committeeman is to carefully and constitutionally vet any and all prospective candidates for public office. These C-men that exist now have no idea what the Constitution says, what it means, what kind of government we have, how our government is set up, and so forth. How, then, can they vet anyone? I doubt that many care.
Visualize yourself as a committeeman. Picture someone like AOC, Tlaib, Piglosi, Schumer....any one of the serpents in CONgress coming to YOUR office to discuss a possible run for ANY public office. That is your golden opportunity to query that individual on many things, especially his/her knowledge of what ANYONE should know. If that person doesn't know these things, you simply refuse to walk their papers and tell them to come back at another time when they've learned these vital things. If that person DOES know these things, you may assent to walking their papers. Suppose, then, that the election is won by this person. Part 2 of this vital process is having awake, aware, motivated, patriotic, interested, and attentive people watching maybe one or two of these elected public servants in whatever office they occupy. How does this public servant vote? What does he/she say? What kind of behavior is exhibited? What are the monetary gains by this public servant? WE THE PEOPLE ELECTED THESE PEOPLE TO DO VERY IMPORTANT JOBS. They answer to us. How can they answer to us if we are not watching, listening and digging when necessary? Human nature is inherently fallible.
What happens when that public servant votes or speaks against our Constitution? We need to know that. They are called to YOUR office and to account. They repent and are allowed to go back conditionally or they are recalled or if their behavior warrants it, WE indict them. This applies to our out-of-control local illegitimate governments as well. WE, the people must take back our rightful power but we have to know that we once had it and how we lost it. As far as the party bosses go, they have no place in our election process as you can see.
This cuts through all the BS, the hand-wringing, the helpless feeling we've had for many many years. How can we have a viable government without these processes being restored to us?
You make a very good point. My only issue is nothing is flawless. We’ve read and been shown that the Chinese have spies all over our country in different companies and career fields. Even if we’re able to “clean house” this time how can we prevent it from happening again? I think we as a nation have gotten very lazy and to a point, spoiled. People will forget their duties as patriots and it may very well open the doors for corruption to set back in. The media is currently doing a fantastic job of lying to our faces and trying to tell us what to think and how to live, and a lot of people go along with it without question. Right now I’d love nothing more than to see all the nasty MSM brought down for the disservice they’re providing to America.
I’m not dooming at all, just to be clear. I’d love to clean the nasty crap out of our country but the problem is going to be maintaining our freedoms once it’s done. They’ve suckered a lot of people into thinking socialism and communism are great things when really it’s not
I will vote for whichever party Trump represents - the Lion Party, Patriot, GOP or whatever he's in.
The founders always spoke strongly against parties. Maybe we should learn WHY.
I remember learning about that. But what’s the alternative?
The alternative to parties which are divisive, detract from any message, and encourage people to merely check the box with the proper party letter, is NO party. Our government was set up to be overseen by the people who knew their extensive rights, duties and responsibilities. I doubt that this was realized as vital since our country began. When we see where we are now, we begin to understand just how evil this whole agenda has been and that we MUST do things differently if we want better results
As the people, our duties and rights (which were stolen from us) include the committeeman process (vastly different from the perversion that has been in place for some years) and control and operation of the petit and grand juries. Our founding documents are statements in common law--what we had in our courts until 1934 when the BAR abrogated our common law by combining it with equity law (contracts, etc.). The result was "civil" law which is unconstitutional, run by judges (have no place in our common law courts), has no jurisdiction whatsoever, and delivers gross and ugly INjustice. The third leg of this process is constitutional sheriffs. Most of them have no clue what their duties are, who they answer to, who they rightly protect and certainly have no idea what the Constitution actually says....that they took a sacred oath to obey and defend.
The committeeman process, as it exists now, consists of "committeemen" (2 in my state) in each district of a state and a party boss at the top; all for one party. The RIGHTFUL job of a committeeman is to carefully and constitutionally vet any and all prospective candidates for public office. These C-men that exist now have no idea what the Constitution says, what it means, what kind of government we have, how our government is set up, and so forth. How, then, can they vet anyone? I doubt that many care.
Visualize yourself as a committeeman. Picture someone like AOC, Tlaib, Piglosi, Schumer....any one of the serpents in CONgress coming to YOUR office to discuss a possible run for ANY public office. That is your golden opportunity to query that individual on many things, especially his/her knowledge of what ANYONE should know. If that person doesn't know these things, you simply refuse to walk their papers and tell them to come back at another time when they've learned these vital things. If that person DOES know these things, you may assent to walking their papers. Suppose, then, that the election is won by this person. Part 2 of this vital process is having awake, aware, motivated, patriotic, interested, and attentive people watching maybe one or two of these elected public servants in whatever office they occupy. How does this public servant vote? What does he/she say? What kind of behavior is exhibited? What are the monetary gains by this public servant? WE THE PEOPLE ELECTED THESE PEOPLE TO DO VERY IMPORTANT JOBS. They answer to us. How can they answer to us if we are not watching, listening and digging when necessary? Human nature is inherently fallible.
What happens when that public servant votes or speaks against our Constitution? We need to know that. They are called to YOUR office and to account. They repent and are allowed to go back conditionally or they are recalled or if their behavior warrants it, WE indict them. This applies to our out-of-control local illegitimate governments as well. WE, the people must take back our rightful power but we have to know that we once had it and how we lost it. As far as the party bosses go, they have no place in our election process as you can see.
This cuts through all the BS, the hand-wringing, the helpless feeling we've had for many many years. How can we have a viable government without these processes being restored to us?
You make a very good point. My only issue is nothing is flawless. We’ve read and been shown that the Chinese have spies all over our country in different companies and career fields. Even if we’re able to “clean house” this time how can we prevent it from happening again? I think we as a nation have gotten very lazy and to a point, spoiled. People will forget their duties as patriots and it may very well open the doors for corruption to set back in. The media is currently doing a fantastic job of lying to our faces and trying to tell us what to think and how to live, and a lot of people go along with it without question. Right now I’d love nothing more than to see all the nasty MSM brought down for the disservice they’re providing to America.
I’m not dooming at all, just to be clear. I’d love to clean the nasty crap out of our country but the problem is going to be maintaining our freedoms once it’s done. They’ve suckered a lot of people into thinking socialism and communism are great things when really it’s not
That's how I feel.