Biden Terminates Trump Order that Kept China Out of America’s Power Grid
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Don’t think I’m off my rocker. It occurred to me to accept the idea our military has the show. And they have (as actors), people shoving the whole 9 yds of the reasons why you don’t want to be a communist, down our throats. To the point of nausea. They are trying to wake up the normies..slowly. Don’t want to freak anybody out. Could use everyone’s support. Where we go one. At some point this whole reset by the swamp people in DC is goi g to light a fire in the hearts of everyone. At the proper time, we will have a re-election (120 days, clock ticking), Daddy is coming home and we are having Chinese for dinner. Go TRUMP. Go ARMy. Go NAVY. Go Air FORCE. Roll Tide
Rah rah Shish boom bah...