From 1000s of hours of research and personal experience. I'm an autistic faggot. I was an easy target as a kid. Most of the guys I messed around with as a kid were straight. As an adult, I ended up with a foster son. I was worried about him so I went celibate. I didn't want to risk having any of my friends trying anything. I'm still celibate because I am focused on serving the LORD. I had to move to California for work. I researched the subject heavily to gain an understanding of what was happening in California and to learn what I needed in order to protect my son. I studied the entire history of the subject, the Greeks, Romans, Samurai, Chinese, and the middle east. I've read thousands of pages of court documents and studies. This gave me the knowledge that I needed to inoculate my son against predation. It worked, I am happy to say.
Btw, my research proved to me the existence of an entire pedo industry in California. I estimate that over 50% of the boys in California are approached at least once. I also learned of an international problem in the UK (including Australia and Canada) that has been in existence for well over 100 years. The facts I learned would sicken anyone who cares about boys. When I encountered pizzagate, I was not surprised at all.
Liking little boys is definitely gay. Don’t know where you pulled that one from.
From 1000s of hours of research and personal experience. I'm an autistic faggot. I was an easy target as a kid. Most of the guys I messed around with as a kid were straight. As an adult, I ended up with a foster son. I was worried about him so I went celibate. I didn't want to risk having any of my friends trying anything. I'm still celibate because I am focused on serving the LORD. I had to move to California for work. I researched the subject heavily to gain an understanding of what was happening in California and to learn what I needed in order to protect my son. I studied the entire history of the subject, the Greeks, Romans, Samurai, Chinese, and the middle east. I've read thousands of pages of court documents and studies. This gave me the knowledge that I needed to inoculate my son against predation. It worked, I am happy to say.
Btw, my research proved to me the existence of an entire pedo industry in California. I estimate that over 50% of the boys in California are approached at least once. I also learned of an international problem in the UK (including Australia and Canada) that has been in existence for well over 100 years. The facts I learned would sicken anyone who cares about boys. When I encountered pizzagate, I was not surprised at all.