Just want your opinion on X-22 and BardFM. A lot of what they say lines up with what I read here. They are easy to listen to, therefore easy to recommend to others. I’m just curious as to your opinion of them.
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X22 is one of the few that my wife likes to listen to, Dave gives us hope, and his analysis is really smart. Not sure about BardFM, I'll have to look into it.
Bards is better imo
I listen to both daily. Bards is more realistic to me. He doesnt seem to act like he knows what's going to happen next, but never wavered in his faith. And he opens / closes his reports with prayer, most if not all the time.
I just found Bards a few weeks ago. I've been listening to X22, SGT Report and the Health Ranger for years. Sometimes I look through the comments on the X22 Bitchute: it's pure venom against Dave! I can't believe those shills aren't getting paid.
Never heard of health ranger. I’ll check it out. Thanks
He runs Natural News and has occasionally guest hosted for Alex Jones, so he's been around for a long time.