I wrote a comment earlier and decided to get off my ass and make a high effort post. I believe we may be on the verge of something monumental. I look at the puzzle pieces and I'm thinking Suicide Weekend may be soon. This post is going to summarize the GameStop War as best as I can while leading to some eye catching observations. TL;DR at the bottom.
The stock price for GameStop (GME) is at some record highs and extremely volatile. 1/26/2021 ended at just below $150, but in After Hours trading it soared past $250 and bounces up and down to ending close to 200. To put this in perspective, GME ended last year just under $20. And that stock is not done rising yet...The stock is in a short squeeze.
What the hell! How did this happen? How did we get here?
This is a time to explain how shorting the stock market works. "People" (Read rich elite hedge fund managers) can bet against a stock. They are betting money for a stock to loose money so they can make money. This process is slightly confusing so I'm going to do my best to explain then I'm going to link two videos to help as well. Shorting stocks is a way to borrow a stock and pay for it later. (WTF? Free money now? Well Kind of.) Shorting set a call date and pays for the price of the (Now Cheaper) stock.
I borrow 10 stocks at $10 each. I sell them and pocket $100 today because I sold them to some other person looking for stocks. Then lets say next week the stocks drop down to $4. I now only have to pay for the 10 stocks at 4$ each ($40). The less the stock goes the more money I make. "But what if the stocks RAISES insteads of falls?" Then you need to pay for the difference on the higher stock price. Yes, there is no price cap. The company you just shorted published the cure for cancer and their stocks went to the MOON! And you are stuck paying for the difference, but that'll never happen.
SHORT STOCK INVESTORS ARE BETTING ON YOUR SUFFERING AND PROFITING OFF IT! Edit:1 There have been two comments that have informed more about "Shorting" I found them to be insightful 1 [2] (https://greatawakening.win/p/11SK7FvB39/x/c/4DvnLrbgrU0) Shorting may not be inherently as used properly it can be of benefit. This GME case is unique though! End Edit 1.
These people are sick!
Here is a video that helped me understand this issue better. The whole thing is gold, but the first 13 minutes really explain the concept.
NARRATION CONT. - The beginning of a War!
Okay back to the GME story. GME has been in an interesting state of renewal. Trying to find yourself as mall-retail store in the Pandemic must be a little bit difficult and with the digital age, of course the company can be seen as a little bit stale or "out-dated." GME has been doing their best to re-image their self with a new focus for this digital market. Good for them, new CEO successful Billionaire, good ideas to improve. Good on him.
Well GME stock hasn't been anything quite impressive for normal buyers to get into. Under $10s since 2019. No one would really bat an eye on walking past in the mall. ('cept one brass balled man, more on him later). Well during the pandemic some fans of GME who owned stock and were frequent members of reddit's r/WallStreeBets (/WSB/) and 4Chan's /Biz/ discovered that GME's stock was being shorted, and SHORTED MASSIVELLY. They found that the companies shares were shorted over 100%. I will say that again. People borrowed and SOLD more borrowed shares than currently shares available. Oh these people are so fucked...
Remember, these people are sick!
Currently it is running at 130%. These traders were caught SHITTING into the COOKIE JAR by average internet trolls and autists.
The Culprits.
- Melvin Capital. They are a Hedge Fund who have been making bank off of shorting stock and manipulating the markets. Definitely caught ass in the jar. One of their biggest target they've Shorted? TELSA. (More on this Later). They've just been banished to the shadow realm because of their short sells RAISING instead of falling. (More on this later).
- Citron (I'm no expert in language but I'm pretty sure it's properly pronounce by keeping your teeth closed and only moving your lips.) Their Key player is Andrew Left. He has been pretty vocal about shorting the GME stock. Left has been one of the vocal ones to cry foul after the GME war. Here is him yelling at the retail investors after the climb but before the squeeze.
- Citadel, and Point72 Hedge funds. Honestly I don't know about them that much but they gave BILLIONS AND BILLIONS Okay so surely you know that there are some very fucking RICH and POWERFUL people trying to MAKE MONEY OFF of your SUFFERING.
Did I mention these people are SICK!?!
So, where were we? Ah yes the Eyes and Mind of the Autist... So what does an Autist do when they have a question and see a button? THEY PRESS IT! People on /biz/ and /wsb/ were bringing attention to the Shortage of stock. They were going to continue to BUY and HOLD stock to raise the price to BET against the HEDGE Funds. AND IT WORKED!
YES that's right the fighting back WORKED! Hedge funds has lost $92BILLION since January. The word has been spreading and spreading every since. Last Friday was the shot fired at Concord. The shares of GME was Higher than the Short Sell Bet and guess who had to foot the bill? Aha but there is more!
The Funds had two options.
A) Admit defeat and buy the borrowed stock back a bunch of people who can't even remember to cut their hair and barely remember how long to microwave tendies.
B) Double Down and Dive Head First... Yeah. They choose this option... (Idiots, don't they know that ONLY the Trump Train has NO BREAKS?!) Kek. They extended the Short Bets till this Friday.
This Friday the Short call expire and IF the STOCK is HIGHER than These people must pay BILLIONS of Dollars. It's going to be a Short Squeeze. Remember how I said the Short was over 130%? Yeah that's going to fuck over everything. THEY ARE FORCED to buy the stock from the People that kicked their ass with a bunch of shitty Pelosi and McConnel Stimulus checks...
No one really knows what is going to happen. Honestly people keep comparing it to VW 2008 Short where stocks almost hit 1k each. I can't say. *Warning. Please Please do not see this as careless $$$ grab. That nots the point of the story. I don't even have stock in GME. I'm just hear to tell the message. Speaking of messages. There are a bunch of people who are willing to HOLD the stocks as a massive "Fuck You" to these Rich Elite Hedge Funds. (I'm going to be honest, it is still hard to forgive them for they did to family in 2008. For what they did to all of us.)
This brings us to this week. Excited from the Friday win, Monday's GME stock broke 100 and almost made 150. This rallied the troops! Today's stock was being bought and traded at insane rates! It even gained tracked from millionaires! I can't get the name at the moment. But someone bought 10% of the GME shares at 120. I can't even imagine that money, but from that moment, the GME Stock never dropped below 110.
Now here is where the REAL HYPE begins. Now Twitter, /biz/, and /wsb/ were really only the ones in this event. Maybe the people wanting to make a Pump and Dump. Mr. Spacex himself tweeted this event AFTER TRADING HOURS Elon Musk's tweet cause the price of GME(AND ALL SHORTED TRADES) to bounce higher and harder than Tigger ever could! We're Talking $20 swings multiple times a minute!
Great you are now Caught up on the GME War
Now let me provide some interesting observations.
- u/Deepfuckingvalue. This was the sole dude who kept investing into GME no matter what. Infact. He started YOLOing GME in September 2019. 17 months ago. Yes, that's right 17 months ago! He was fundamental in the recruiting of /wsb/ and /biz/ to start this war by leading the charge. In December 2019. Many redditors were cashing in on a GME rush, and he stayed after the crash. He called January 2021 in a comment in December 2019! Chads worry about this guy around every corner.
- Elon Musk, Tesla, and Melvin Capital. A redditor found out that the owner of MC bragged about shorting TSLA back in the day. Elon's tweet brought the attention of the normies who had no idea this war was going on in cyberspace. All this volitilty happened after close. Who know what will happen at Open. But I know Hedge Funds are on the edge.
- Let's tie this back to Q. What do we know and what have we(I) been waiting for? ///Suicide Weekend///. There are a lot of really, really, really rich people who have lost BILLIONS. Not to mention they will have to answer HOW and WHY they Shorted GME beyond buyable shares. I'm not a lawAnon, but someone please check that for me. Either way. We know that Money is their blood. These are some serious losses that might cause heart attacks, or even suicides. I think we should be on the lookout for possible big name John/Jane Doe's to pop up over the weekend.
- I'm not sure of the severity of this. How many people will be forced to pay for the BILLIONS of Shares? When the Hedges go Bankrupt who carries the bill? I know it is affecting other stocks. Remember folks this is Memetown. Meme-Virus, Meme-Election, Meme-StockWar. EDIT 2
- Chamath Palihapaitiya went on CNBC and was fighting for /WSB/ and /BIZ/ I can't find the whole interview yet, but here is just a snippet. I recommend everyone watch it. HE ALSO WANTS TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA! (I found the meme we need to make happen!) https://youtu.be/DYZHtF-tV0k
I can tell you something though. I have never felt more convicted when I've said"
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
TL;DR: Autists found a way to MEME billions from the Wall Street Hedge funds. Rich Elite are going to loose billions and might lead to a Suicide Weekend.
Edit 1: I've added two comments who provided more insight about Short Selling. I want to make sure as much information got out of there.
I want to be clear. Please be careful if you are investing. This volatility of the market is a gamble! May people might look at this and see an opportunity to earn a quick buck. Please be smart. I saw so many people double down on bets for Trump's election and lost a lot of money. Remember we are in a multi-layered war, where the "little guy" gets stepped on.
- Looks like there have been some updates. I'll try to link more posts when I can. Lots of media will be talking about this. Prepare to discern the truth.
I really really enjoy this community, Thank you for being a home of truth in an age of painful lies.
I’m a bull usually, but if a stock is dog shit, I’m a pretty good short seller
NOBODY lets a short get this jammed up their ass unless they’re psychotically delusional. The gamma squeeze was so fucking obvious.
Holding onto these positions like they have is outrageously greedy, irresponsible and basically tantamount to repeated fraud.
Watch every stock with significant short interest run like this over the next 15 days: AMC, Express, American Airlines.
This will be one of the greatest wealth transfers from the elites to the people in such a limited amount of time.
This is the inverse of the last bailout; this is the people’s bailout. Cash in hand.
Get ready, it’s gonna be wild, trading halts and clown world news reporting on “irresponsible” retail investors.
Who’s really irresponsible here?
I've already started liquidating some money that's tripled from the crash last year, and warned some family members that are already retired to make their annual pull this week before the market goes pear shaped.
People have too much tunnel vision. What people are not talking about is how some of these billionaire hedge funds will need to sell all their other stocks to cover their losses on the stocks that were heavily shorted. In turn that will cause the market to panic or have a flash crash as sell limits will get executed. Mutual funds and ETFS will both drop. Everyone cheering for this must not be aware of the agenda of a great reset. While I am glad that corrupt billionaires are losing money this is one giant step closer to a very bad breaking point. Something else that might occur is the SEC halting the stock entirely which may lock up the savings of some people who actually need their money because the amount of "all ins" that I have been seeing is alarming. Yes a lot of them are the younger generation but some say they are managing the money of their parents or grandparents.
What are you implying? Keep in mind the reason this is happening is over 130% of the shares available have been shorted. That should be illegal but the SEC doesn't give a shit cause they're there to protect the elites. I will paste what I commented in another thread below The situation is very volatile. Here's the problem, it's not even a mid-cap stock. Everyone knows it's a penny stock but it's being valued at this point even above a mid-cap since that should be 10b at most (It's currently valued at 20b and was worth over 25b hours ago). Tesla is another great example of a stock that is overly inflated beyond belief. It went from about 40b in marketcap a year and half ago to 830b now. While Tesla is a great company it's extremely overvalued.. Zoom has a market cap of over 110b when it should not be nearly worth that much. Where did all this money come from? It's from the FED pumping the market too much to the point where it is not sustainable. You also have a bunch of other companies who had an IPO within the last 6 months such as SNOW, RKT, PLTR, LMND, etc which are all boosting the market to new highs when they may be legit companies but the valuations are all wrong. You have a complete fraudulent companies on the market such as Nikola which is literally a giant scam. It's worth 10b in marketcap. The SEC doesn't give a damn and don't get me started about how them and the DOJ are investigating them because they have not done jack shit yet. Covid was created by China to do multiple things. Thin the herd since it targeted the elderly, help biden's election since it hurts Trump, and crash the market. The fed was injecting tons of repo funds this entire time to keep the market afloat. It was both good and bad but personally I think they overdid it. They probably should have let it come back at a natural rate but instead we got a giant V shape recovery. This is a giant storm that has been forming which may ultimately lead to the "great reset" which I hope it will not. Keep in mind all these analysts are telling everyone it's a bull market now that Biden is in when it will be the exact opposite unless the military gets involved. The market under Biden is designed to crash.
Yeah, publicity for a reason. Get all the sheep fully invested for a shearing.
Good. We need to break. It's better than parading around a corpse.