391 Shall we play a game? $ GME $ (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Flounder2177 3 years ago by Flounder2177 +398 / -7 80 comments download share 80 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
GME is the stock symbol for GameStop.
GameStop is dying, so whales/funds started shorting it.
People refuse to sell their shares.
Shorts go bust, real hard.
Funds get bailed-out (tax-payer money)
Funds turn around and start short-betting again, immediately.
Have a look at the 1W chart: https://stocktwits.com/symbol/GME
Not sure why the drop should matter, beyond the words "Game" and "Stop" appearing in it.
Very good autist.
Thank You for understanding.
I just made this comment related to a game Q post on another post here. There is a 1 year delta 2/17/2020 "to be blunt.... GAME OVER" Post #3872
Very very good write up posted 4hrs ago.
That's the one! It's some good digging IMO
Thank you. This was amazing.
You need to get caught up on the GME news. Its huge.
Literally any financial news source.
r/wallstreetbets (reddit board) is beating the stock market. $gme = gamestop. Martin capital shorted the stock. /wsb is making them pay for it, bigly. even panicking on twitter about it.
Melvin* Capital I believe, on mobile but another anon has a post up explaining it pretty well! Def worth a read.
yes, thank you.
Look at highlighted words.