I feel like I'm seeing a flurry of Biden headlines that are all repeating the same garbage [the dude is digging his own grave already–it's been 67 days].
I have yet to see any that involved Biden, the "Commander-in-Chief" doing anything to interact with the military other than a feelgood transgender ban repeal that will get more of our guys killed (there's data on this, I can dig if someone really needs it) once he gets to the warmongering [Already making waves with intn'l leaders].
I guess I'd like to know if anyone else has any more information about other actions he may have taken regarding the DoD. I appreciate the help; I'm only one man and can only nolife this board while being be an actual adult in limited quantities.
Good point, I wonder if perhaps the appointees are legally rendered illegitimate based on this sham corporation running the country instead of an actual elected official and their appointees representing the People. I'll dig more into that move though, thanks!