gun & ammo restrictions in the hopper
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Sponsored by a TEXAN???? Texans won't stand for this and try and vote her out not realizing their vote doesn't fucking matter just like in 2020.
Sheila Jackson Lee is a long time embarrassment, kept in office by the most crooked of district lines, and voters of color that will vote any way they're told to by democratic operatives.
There's a shitload of voter fraud and we need mandatory ID to straighten out.
She's roundly mocked, even by democrat organs like The Daily Beast, which made hay over her assertion that the constitution was 400 years old. Yes, older than the Nation.
She's also the one that wanted NASA to move the Mars Rover over to where Neil Armstrong and them had planted the American flag and get a good shot of it. The MARS Rover. A shot of the Moon flag. Sigh.
She also gets her Vietnams and Koreas mixed up. Talking about a North Vietnam living peacefully beside a South Vietnam. (South Vietnam no longer exists. It was absorbed by force after the US pulled out. Now it's all just Vietnam.)
Though, come to think of it, North Korea doesn't live THAT peacefully as a neighbor either, with a long, steady history of kidnapping South Korean citizens and other saboteur/gangster type behavior.
There's also many well-documented reports of her being an utter cunt, because her district is so cushy and safe.
Long story short, Sheila Jackson Lee sucks, and has sucked for a very long time.
I strongly suspect, however, that if an investigative body truly wished to, they could find some evidence with which to lock her up. There's no way she's clean.
Gerrymandering and likely some fraud. We can thank our ‘old’ friend Tom Delay for the gerrymandering part.
Am Texan, can confirm we hate Sheila Jackson Lee. Fucking jogger.
Very well said.
She'll be arrested more than likely when all these people are rounded up for their crimes against humanity.
What does that type of ring look like? I'm still learning how to recognize the symbolism.