posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +70 / -1

The storm is going to look very different than many of us may expect. People are so brainwashed, Impeaching a private citizen, medical mandates, demonizing a peaceful sub-culture/discussion threads, Game stop exploding overnight with no new news, 37 EO's giving china access to critical infrastructure after hacking our elections and using bioweapons IS NOT NORMAL, only someone balls deep in a PsyOP wouldn't be shocked. We have never seen a battle like this and personally and it is so multi-faceted. We all fall victim to social referencing and referring to past experiences. We must all expand our minds to understand where/how/why the battles is happening and the irregular indicators to wins and losses. Im in this with you brothers and sisters! WWG1WGA<- first time i've ever said that lol