Ok, if true that President Trump again taking over these dates, do you really think it possible that hundreds, if not thousands of people know and are actually able to maintain OPSEC? If they are truly connected, the only way I see it happening is if only a handful of people booked them all. Starting with the Trump family of course, moving on to Flynn.....and on and on. But Man, the scale here would be nearly unmanageable so this leads me to believe there must be some event(s) in DC warranting all the hotel bookings. The price doesn’t go up without real, perceived or historical demand. I need to check into this more; worked in hotel management for many years.
Ok, if true that President Trump again taking over these dates, do you really think it possible that hundreds, if not thousands of people know and are actually able to maintain OPSEC? If they are truly connected, the only way I see it happening is if only a handful of people booked them all. Starting with the Trump family of course, moving on to Flynn.....and on and on. But Man, the scale here would be nearly unmanageable so this leads me to believe there must be some event(s) in DC warranting all the hotel bookings. The price doesn’t go up without real, perceived or historical demand. I need to check into this more; worked in hotel management for many years.