From my hnderstanding. this is all being monitored. whomever looses their 401k or stuff in general before the election drama. will be reimbursed through siezed assets from voting interference.
the fdic logo in banks, those accounts are being mirrored to the new system. they are watching transactions to discover the players. those littlemen might be caught by accident and appealed, but the big fish are going to lose all their assets.
and supposedly when they base it off gold/silver/ whatevs the value american dolla will go through the roof.
But this is my understanding and im a word salad kinda guy.
From my hnderstanding. this is all being monitored. whomever looses their 401k or stuff in general before the election drama. will be reimbursed through siezed assets from voting interference.
the fdic logo in banks, those accounts are being mirrored to the new system. they are watching transactions to discover the players. those littlemen might be caught by accident and appealed, but the big fish are going to lose all their assets.
and supposedly when they base it off gold/silver/ whatevs the value american dolla will go through the roof.
But this is my understanding and im a word salad kinda guy.