I remember a time when authorities were saying they would not give the vaccine to the elderly because reasons. then people got redpilled and called out these authorities for ignoring the plight of the elderly, since they were most at risk for contracting and suffering through covid19. now we see they receive the vaccine, and they have the most severe reactions. maybe the authorities KNEW that this would happen and tried to spare the elderly, but cannot tell us what they know, so have basically sacrificed the elderly in the name of their own power to force this vaccine upon us.
sounds paranoid when I read it myself.
I remember a time when authorities were saying they would not give the vaccine to the elderly because reasons. then people got redpilled and called out these authorities for ignoring the plight of the elderly, since they were most at risk for contracting and suffering through covid19. now we see they receive the vaccine, and they have the most severe reactions. maybe the authorities KNEW that this would happen and tried to spare the elderly, but cannot tell us what they know, so have basically sacrificed the elderly in the name of their own power to force this vaccine upon us. sounds paranoid when I read it myself.