posted ago by binklehoya ago by binklehoya +11 / -0

Apparently, the Xiden admin called RobinHood to get them to stop allowing GME purchases. That in and of itself, encouraging RH to act illegally is an impeachable offense. But maybe that's all the Xiden admin CAN do. If Xiden isn't really POTUS...

It totally makes sense that the feds, the Xiden admin, and the financial industry want to avoid another bailout and all the bad optics. It's definitely cheaper to pay the legal bills for RH and other companies that stopped allowing GME purchases than for the financial industry to risk any of their own going bankrupt.

But what if that's ALL the Xiden "admin" can do? What if the Xiden "admin" simply has no legal authority to use the office of POTUS to enact or suggest or drive legislation? If we're really under military rule, there's probably limits on what Congress can do to pass legislation that sucks off the financial industry.

We might start thinking of ways to force the issue. Figure out ways to bail out the bankers only a real POTUS could do and ask why those things aren't getting done.

I'm sure DJT and the military have everything all under control, but it couldn't hurt to lob some grenades at the enemy from the sidelines. The whole financial system is shaky. Sooner it falls, the sooner the fed reserve gets replaced and the sooner NESARA/GESARA gets implemented.