So history books will tell of this moment in time and I got a chuckle. All the other great battle were men and women of the fields or poverty stricken rising up against might kings. Let's break up both sides darkness has celebrities media CEO tech companies the banks wall street.
We have autis, meme champs, Patriots. I know there is many more.
We all have some form of talent or couple of them that make us unique and standout. What is everyone's in there own opinion. Literally any thing u say ur trump card. From love to words to music. If u had a chance to be in history books what would be ur choice
Absolutely I do. Granted, not always the answer I wanna hear or the result I wanna see, but He answers. Trump is stone cold proof of prayer being answered! Takes years sometimes, a lifetime sometimes, and looks totally not like you’d expect the answer to be. Sometimes the answer is just no, or not now, but if you wait, He’s very faithful?
What about if the answer is a path or direction like I've heard problem say there on gods path that cant really work?
The best we can do is our humanly, faulty best. If we live like we ought and try to be as much like Jesus as we can, He guides us. Our intentions are the catalyst, then He takes over. He knows what’s best, when we THINK we do. Faith nor patience is easy. Both require strength of heart and mind, and appear to be silly to people who don’t believe. But we know ?