I wonder how the Q team plans to "land the plane." Let's say their plan really is to wake up as many people as possible before declassifying a bunch of crazy things like Frazzledrip. People will be flipping out, filled with anger and hatred. But then what? How do they parlay that into people embracing the constitution again? Because with many on the left, you know they still want things like welfare, social security, big government protections, etc.
I can see the Nesara type of plan being useful at that stage. Everyone is pissed and angry, and then you drop the bomb: We got a ton of gold, we are going to wipe everyone's debt, perhaps even give everyone a fat check and then return to the constitution. From here you are "on your own" as we are returning to a more limited government. Maybe that's the golden ticket.
afaik savings will be transferred to new system 1:1 - no-one loses.
Of course, those with high debt will make out the most. That's a price I'm happy with if it puts the world back on course (I have a mortgage, but everything else I pay for with earnings, not credit).
I wonder how the Q team plans to "land the plane." Let's say their plan really is to wake up as many people as possible before declassifying a bunch of crazy things like Frazzledrip. People will be flipping out, filled with anger and hatred. But then what? How do they parlay that into people embracing the constitution again? Because with many on the left, you know they still want things like welfare, social security, big government protections, etc.
I can see the Nesara type of plan being useful at that stage. Everyone is pissed and angry, and then you drop the bomb: We got a ton of gold, we are going to wipe everyone's debt, perhaps even give everyone a fat check and then return to the constitution. From here you are "on your own" as we are returning to a more limited government. Maybe that's the golden ticket.
Yeah! Get fucked, anyone who lived within their means and has savings!
afaik savings will be transferred to new system 1:1 - no-one loses.
Of course, those with high debt will make out the most. That's a price I'm happy with if it puts the world back on course (I have a mortgage, but everything else I pay for with earnings, not credit).
that's not how economics work
Ok so we can just not enter a golden age of peace freedom and prosperity so you don't feel bad