It’s heart breaking. Sheep to the slaughter. It euthanasia. I keep trying to tell my Gov DeSantis in Fla. I post on his Twitter , I email him but he keeps pushing that shot. It will be his down fall.
I'm in Florida also, my biggest concern is they will make it required for attending school. I'm already more "anti-vax" I dislike how early children are vaccinated, I believe they should wait till a child is older and most babies stay at home anyways. All my children are vaccinated however despite my own dislike, I also do not like how some vaccines are made from aborted babies (I know it's only two from the 60s but still that is wrong a further desecration of their bodies).
There is a religious exemption accepted in Fla schools for vaccination. All of my children attended school in fla with out vaccinations for the last 20 years. . You can also get a medical exemption. Know your rights. They cannot force the vaccination on you.
Yes I remember when I got one for my oldest it was a pain to get, but my issue is can I get one now, Abouna doesn't seem to understand much about the vaccine and I am left wondering if I can use Orthodoxy for a religious exemption. I am waiting to see if my friend who is Coptic also but a micro biologist can help me more with my questions.
Well Lin wood put in his telegram a meme that lets you ask questions and bottom line if it has aborted baby parts (MRC-5 ) they all do then you decline on religious principals. His meme is to legally decline but I can’t get it to post here. Sorry. Or go to my page and it’s on there plus so much about the shot
It’s heart breaking. Sheep to the slaughter. It euthanasia. I keep trying to tell my Gov DeSantis in Fla. I post on his Twitter , I email him but he keeps pushing that shot. It will be his down fall.
I'm in Florida also, my biggest concern is they will make it required for attending school. I'm already more "anti-vax" I dislike how early children are vaccinated, I believe they should wait till a child is older and most babies stay at home anyways. All my children are vaccinated however despite my own dislike, I also do not like how some vaccines are made from aborted babies (I know it's only two from the 60s but still that is wrong a further desecration of their bodies).
There is a religious exemption accepted in Fla schools for vaccination. All of my children attended school in fla with out vaccinations for the last 20 years. . You can also get a medical exemption. Know your rights. They cannot force the vaccination on you.
Yes I remember when I got one for my oldest it was a pain to get, but my issue is can I get one now, Abouna doesn't seem to understand much about the vaccine and I am left wondering if I can use Orthodoxy for a religious exemption. I am waiting to see if my friend who is Coptic also but a micro biologist can help me more with my questions.
Well Lin wood put in his telegram a meme that lets you ask questions and bottom line if it has aborted baby parts (MRC-5 ) they all do then you decline on religious principals. His meme is to legally decline but I can’t get it to post here. Sorry. Or go to my page and it’s on there plus so much about the shot