All I did was duckduckgo that phone number ;) (831) 242-7184 Hillary Notar - This person was doing the promotions | Dump: "Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center is located at Building 4260, Seaside, CA 93955. Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center can be reached by their main phone number at (831) 242-7184. Alternatively, you can reach Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center by phone at (831) 583-1054. The listed DSN line is 312-768-7184. "
Buy Some your Self:®ion=US&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6L0-lx5uxuZBPe_qkTf-9uocBNNV0GZqY_vKf236T_KGabI2Tj9zBYaAmqdEALw_wcB
The number is for a military base in California...
The information contained in the dump includes members of the military who work at different harvesting facilities, allegedly... so it would make sense that the number given would connect to a military base..
So is this real? I would not discount it easily..that is a lot of documents to make up... also a type writer was used or so it appears which would be an odd way to forge documents... and that is a lot of very specific information very specific.. blood types, ‘captured date’, disposal lists, very detailed and specific documents, personal’s worth looking at and following up as much as we can..
Look through the dump until you see photos of people. There called PROMOTIONS. Were they changed the warden.
Look who ran psyop at the Presidio. The rabbit hole is deep.
Which adrenochrome dump? The one that's been floating around, or is there a new one?
i edited the post and adding the link , This one has new info, Promotion with photo and Hillary N. is the contact for all of them
The addresses on the alleged ‘hr forms’ link back to the presidio military base...
can you summarize what adrenochrome is, thanks