You can't manufacture products like computer boards with crypto, but you can with silver. You can't make jewelry with crypto but you can with gold. There are so many things you can do with physical metals that crypto can't touch. Our government is eventually returning to the gold standard. Do you know what that will do for precious metals?
Replacing centralized fiat with centralized metal isn't the solution. The centralized part is and always has been the issue. You don't think metals aren't manipulated??
Do you know what happens if you go to a gold standard and then the first asteroid miner in 20 years ropes more gold than was ever mined in the history of man??
Metals can't be held in trustless smart contracts, the future of business and accounting is crypto. How many years have you wasted with people like me trying to teach you this lesson??
In your ignorance you think "physical thing make thing" and therefore if you can't hold it it can't be used to make something.
Imagine I created a box that made it so that your bank could never lie, never cheat you, could never collude with a government, never seize your assets, and you never had to trust them because the physical box you held made that impossible? Would the "materials" to make that revolutionary box you buy at Walmart have intrinsic value? Yes, of course.
That box is a cleverly designed block chain. It is made from a material called crypto currency. Such as Bitcoin.
Imagine a talisman that did the same thing but for contracts, every contract you sign from employers, to insurance companies. Imagine your health insurer being prevented from dragging their heels, or prevented from ignoring your coverage and forcing you to sue because you held the talisman. Would that physical talisman have value, would the materials it is built from have value?
That talisman is the Etherium protocol, the material is ether
Imagine a McGuggin where the data those contracts rely on couldn't be cheated. The insurance agency couldn't cheat your test results, a shipping agency couldn't cheat their delivery date, simply by holding that physical McGuggin? And would the materials that McGuggin is made of have value?
That McGuggin is the Chainlink protocol, the material is link
Imagine a shiny sphere of power that queried all of these block chains for the data with revolutionary speed, doing for queries what google did for the internet. That you could find anything, as fast as possible, with unerring accuracy with zero ability to be misled, to have data hidden or 'canceled'. All by holding one of these shiny spheres of power you buy in a store, manufactured in china, with a physical material called 'hypotheticaleum' mined in the far off land of Rand McNally, would hypotheticaleum hold value?
That Sphere is the Graph protocol, the material hypotheticaleum is GRT the Graph coin.
Imagine a widget that allows you tor exchange each of these distinct coins, these materials, on a market, like you would gold and silver and gourd futures, without having to worry about market manipulation because there was a commission free widget, that made lying and cheating and halting impossible. all because you hold that widget.
That widget is the Uniswap protocol, it is manufactured with the Uni coin.
Imagine being able to anonymize your positions so no one could ever know what you owned, what you traded in and when, you could never be canceled because no one could ever look at your bank records. Never leaked that you donated to this candidate, or shop at that business. All because you bought a ring of power. Would that ring of power hold value, what of the special materials it is forged from?
That ring is Monero, it's made from the same.
Cryptocurrency is not fiat. Cryptocurrency is the material you dig out of the ground to build and power the blockchains that the future economy is built on. Wall street was built of stone and marble, brass, and gold and oil and silicon. The next wall street is built on silicon and ether, link and graph, uniswap, cardano, monero, a dozen others, and yes, bitcoin.
You can't manufacture products like computer boards with crypto, but you can with silver. You can't make jewelry with crypto but you can with gold. There are so many things you can do with physical metals that crypto can't touch. Our government is eventually returning to the gold standard. Do you know what that will do for precious metals?
Replacing centralized fiat with centralized metal isn't the solution. The centralized part is and always has been the issue. You don't think metals aren't manipulated??
Do you know what happens if you go to a gold standard and then the first asteroid miner in 20 years ropes more gold than was ever mined in the history of man??
Metals can't be held in trustless smart contracts, the future of business and accounting is crypto. How many years have you wasted with people like me trying to teach you this lesson??
In your ignorance you think "physical thing make thing" and therefore if you can't hold it it can't be used to make something.
Imagine I created a box that made it so that your bank could never lie, never cheat you, could never collude with a government, never seize your assets, and you never had to trust them because the physical box you held made that impossible? Would the "materials" to make that revolutionary box you buy at Walmart have intrinsic value? Yes, of course.
That box is a cleverly designed block chain. It is made from a material called crypto currency. Such as Bitcoin.
Imagine a talisman that did the same thing but for contracts, every contract you sign from employers, to insurance companies. Imagine your health insurer being prevented from dragging their heels, or prevented from ignoring your coverage and forcing you to sue because you held the talisman. Would that physical talisman have value, would the materials it is built from have value?
That talisman is the Etherium protocol, the material is ether
Imagine a McGuggin where the data those contracts rely on couldn't be cheated. The insurance agency couldn't cheat your test results, a shipping agency couldn't cheat their delivery date, simply by holding that physical McGuggin? And would the materials that McGuggin is made of have value?
That McGuggin is the Chainlink protocol, the material is link
Imagine a shiny sphere of power that queried all of these block chains for the data with revolutionary speed, doing for queries what google did for the internet. That you could find anything, as fast as possible, with unerring accuracy with zero ability to be misled, to have data hidden or 'canceled'. All by holding one of these shiny spheres of power you buy in a store, manufactured in china, with a physical material called 'hypotheticaleum' mined in the far off land of Rand McNally, would hypotheticaleum hold value?
That Sphere is the Graph protocol, the material hypotheticaleum is GRT the Graph coin.
Imagine a widget that allows you tor exchange each of these distinct coins, these materials, on a market, like you would gold and silver and gourd futures, without having to worry about market manipulation because there was a commission free widget, that made lying and cheating and halting impossible. all because you hold that widget.
That widget is the Uniswap protocol, it is manufactured with the Uni coin.
Imagine being able to anonymize your positions so no one could ever know what you owned, what you traded in and when, you could never be canceled because no one could ever look at your bank records. Never leaked that you donated to this candidate, or shop at that business. All because you bought a ring of power. Would that ring of power hold value, what of the special materials it is forged from?
That ring is Monero, it's made from the same.
Cryptocurrency is not fiat. Cryptocurrency is the material you dig out of the ground to build and power the blockchains that the future economy is built on. Wall street was built of stone and marble, brass, and gold and oil and silicon. The next wall street is built on silicon and ether, link and graph, uniswap, cardano, monero, a dozen others, and yes, bitcoin.