Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. (From former KS'n now native Californian since 1977) ((Grammarians pls check my use of 'sense' and 'since', I think I got it right))
Sure it does. It's a "reach for the stars" kind of sentiment about the early settlers of Kansas:
John James Ingalls coined the motto in 1861 stating, "The aspiration of Kansas is to reach the unattainable; its dream is the realization of the impossible."
So let's permit a bunch of stupid cowboys a hundred and forty years ago to write KS liquour laws for the next 3 centuries. 'Aspiration of Kansas' indeed.
Ad Astra per Aspera
To the Stars through Difficulties
I’ve always loved our state motto.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. (From former KS'n now native Californian since 1977) ((Grammarians pls check my use of 'sense' and 'since', I think I got it right))
Sure it does. It's a "reach for the stars" kind of sentiment about the early settlers of Kansas:
So let's permit a bunch of stupid cowboys a hundred and forty years ago to write KS liquour laws for the next 3 centuries. 'Aspiration of Kansas' indeed.