posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +79 / -1

France is only permitting travel between EU countries and only 'essential' and only if you submit to testing at the border.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but this will NOT change.

They will keep it running until end of March and come April / May - the vaccine passport will be rolled out and you won't be able to travel unless you have the shot and the app.

UK is doing the exact same thing (two major Rothschild enclaves).

This doesn't look like it's going to change.

You'd have to believe in some huge turn around here and even then - by the end of next week UK will have reached to 25% of its entire population vaccinated.

The US is much larger obviously and more relaxed with these things.... but slowly slowly - just as chip and pin sim card ATM cards were rolled out - so too - after a while the US will have it all too....

It looks really bad - Trump or no Trump !