One marine force 1 video is not the end of the world. Hold the frigging line. No room for doom and gloom right now ???♀️ Recompose yourselves. Watch the video. Optics optics optics. Have faith in the military and the plan. God bless. And again. Calm down. ????
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What action can we take besides red pilling and bringing as much truth to light as possible ? I don’t care how many days have gone by. There’s no way in historical hell Biden and the DS are getting away with this. I’m literally in US history right now. Check the government archives. I can post link. It all matches up coincidentally with my class about 1776. The first great awakening. One marine 1 post and everyone has lost faith. It’s astonishing to me. There isn’t much more we can do right now besides bring truth to light. Anything else we do would be considered violent. We have to play this careful as well. It’s not easy to say when it’s easy to repeat not IF but WHEN. People just aren’t patient.
Exactly all we can do is sit and redpill. If anyone does anything else. Then that give the monster total right to label us whatever they want. We are stuck in a rock and a hard place.