This guy clearly is not real Biden. I believe this guy is an actor, much younger and stronger than real Biden, maybe wearing high-tech silicon masks with voice modulation. However, as laughingdingo pointed out on the above, Coast Guard apparently carries the nuclear football at times? I remember the story of about a female Coast Guard member carrying the nuclear football contracted Covid, a few months ago.
Are you certain? That’s good news if so
This guy clearly is not real Biden. I believe this guy is an actor, much younger and stronger than real Biden, maybe wearing high-tech silicon masks with voice modulation. However, as laughingdingo pointed out on the above, Coast Guard apparently carries the nuclear football at times? I remember the story of about a female Coast Guard member carrying the nuclear football contracted Covid, a few months ago.
did you see how he climbed those stairs? no 80 year old person skips steps. certainly not Biden that guy is weak
Unfortunately, you're wrong. The carriers rotate, one from each of the 6 branches.
President Trump's aide-de-camp as they are called was a female Coast Guard Commander, her name was Jayna McCarron.