314 Did you know COVID vaccine impacts fertility in women? It can cause placental rejection and not enough has been studied to know whether it is a permanent complication, I swear this disease and vaccines are for population control. (stopmedicaldiscrimination.org) posted 4 years ago by Wonderslime 4 years ago by Wonderslime +316 / -2 68 comments share 68 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Exactly. They DONT KNOW.
If we don't know, why have a title stating a covid-19 DOES cause placental rejection. It leaves people like me so simply state 'FAKE NEWS' because we don't know for sure. Let's wait until we get the facts.
Let me rewrite for you. COVID vaccine potentially impacts fertility in women. As I said further on, more study is necessary. HAPPY?
Very HAPPY :-) ...the less CNN style the better.
I am waiting. Aren’t you waiting? We are all waiting.