I did find this from another fren. Your article reminded me of it.
Antibody-dependent enhancement or pathogenic priming - another still-unproven yet undebunked threat. Does the “vaccine” create a greater threat to the immune system from contact with the wild virus? In the FDA documents, “vaccine enhanced disease” is listed as a possible outcome. (See below). The skipped animal trials might have highlighted this issue.
https://truth11.com/2021/01/29/dr-lee-merritt-in-animal-studies-after-being-injected-with-mrna-technology-all-animals-died-upon-reinfection/ this was the article shared but i havent heard of the website. seems very scary to be satire though.
Thanks so much!!!
I did find this from another fren. Your article reminded me of it. Antibody-dependent enhancement or pathogenic priming - another still-unproven yet undebunked threat. Does the “vaccine” create a greater threat to the immune system from contact with the wild virus? In the FDA documents, “vaccine enhanced disease” is listed as a possible outcome. (See below). The skipped animal trials might have highlighted this issue. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12725690/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEdVZcp7Lbc