Get a vpn, one outside the us, like the Philippians, combine the items into a .tz, creat a .torrent file and upload it to the Pirate Bay.
I can 100% promise you, if you don’t know how to push files out anonymously then your not looking at anything that isn’t already seen
Want proof of my claim, download tor and go to the 4chan onion and look at what’s being shared, if you have something special you can upload it there as well
If you really have all the stuff, just create 10 fucking accounts it’s not posting it all over the place sending it to everybody you know any content provider you know and getting it out there so everybody will start sharing it over and over and over again until it becomes viral and nobody can stop it. No one can stop us coming right! Just put it all out there
Are you a time traveller from 2020?
Get a vpn, one outside the us, like the Philippians, combine the items into a .tz, creat a .torrent file and upload it to the Pirate Bay.
I can 100% promise you, if you don’t know how to push files out anonymously then your not looking at anything that isn’t already seen
Want proof of my claim, download tor and go to the 4chan onion and look at what’s being shared, if you have something special you can upload it there as well
its already out....
So share the file handshake shill
The go to 4 Chan and stop spamming this retard shit
Tails os or qubes, we also talked about I2P bck on TDW idk much about it though
Joined 32 minutes ago. BEWARE!!!
You have nothing changed my mind
What is the sound of one hand clapping!
OK Jeb! Please clap!
Pics or it didn't happen
check your messages
What could possibly come out that hasn't came out about someone and covered up, already?
Here you dropped this 7
So you’re the only one, someone who claims to be inexperienced in the ways of anonymity, who happened across these files?
If you really have all the stuff, just create 10 fucking accounts it’s not posting it all over the place sending it to everybody you know any content provider you know and getting it out there so everybody will start sharing it over and over and over again until it becomes viral and nobody can stop it. No one can stop us coming right! Just put it all out there
There is no logic or reason anymore! All there is is truth! And if you have it you should produce it. But you don’t!
No one wants your kiddie porn, faggot. Fuck off.
Go down to post below that says "So I just opened Hunters inbox..." from ObviousStatementMan I think That should help
Email me the files
They shouldn't be in a rar file, but then again I'm retarded lol
Great were you able to download it before it reached the limit?