I read that Friday was the deadline to fuck the multitude of institutional investors shorting Gamestop. If so, did we do it? Did we win?!
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note: not financial advise Friday was not the end. 7 hedge companies came in and bailed them out. They double downed on their bet. That fight will be another 2 weeks. Speculation is Feb 6th-8th we will see. $GME .. we about to see if this is real. Next will be $SLV. If $SLV breaks free, Fiat falls. $PSLV and $SLV I don't know the difference. Someone just put a $49 million support at $24.99 in $SLV at 3:55 on 29Jan21. Meaning this stock will not drop below (excluding manipulation) that till this guy pulls out or banks rally together. This is a war we are watching. Normally takes a week or 2 to pop after that kind of play. Shorts need to expire and cause a vacuum.