His executive orders are painting a different picture, and we’re only 10 days in...y’all labeled Trump a fascist dictator so you have no room to talk, you called him a dictator while democratic governors forced state lockdowns for months destroying peoples livelihood and businesses in the name of ‘public safety’. California forced churches to stay closed while gay bathhouses remained open (true story). Trump publicly opposed the strict lockdowns continuously and let people use their own judgment, which is the complete opposite of a dictatorship.
His executive orders are painting a different picture, and we’re only 10 days in...y’all labeled Trump a fascist dictator so you have no room to talk, you called him a dictator while democratic governors forced state lockdowns for months destroying peoples livelihood and businesses in the name of ‘public safety’. California forced churches to stay closed while gay bathhouses remained open (true story). Trump publicly opposed the strict lockdowns continuously and let people use their own judgment, which is the complete opposite of a dictatorship.