I'm in North Florida and seeing dozens, at least 60, Chemtrails at a time. I haven't seen anything like it in years. 'chem' doesn't return any results in Q posts.
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“Chemtrails” is a bullshit word to get you to not find the facts.
Search Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and you’ll find the “global dimming” plan.
Also search GeoEngineering - there are multiple programs besides aerosol injection. I’ll leave you with this link because gogggle suppresses this website geoengineeringwatch.org
Investigate facts or be a shill.
Great. These are facts. Now prove that commercial airplanes are spraying. They are not.
Obviously if you wanted to secretly dim the sun via chemtrails you wouldn't do it over populated areas.
Obviously you wouldn't start the dimming covertly now while you are trying to get the public to buy into Global Warming.
Turn on your logical thinking unit or be a shill. Whatever, dude.
“Obviously” you have no knowledge of what you are saying.
It’s not secret. The volumes of publicly available documents and presentations are not obscure
The dimming program is not just starting, been going on for decades
“Global Warming” was purposefully repackaged as “Climate Change”
The stated goal “dimming” - Increasing Atmospheric Albedo has the opposite affect of its stated intent - it does not decrease global temperatures, but increases them.
The weather whiplash celebrated by AOC and Greta types is manmade - manufactured by weather modification technology and for nefarious purposes.
Logical thinking is limited by lack of knowledge. The choice to know is yours.
Well, if they're so publicly available, drop a link. Would love to see
This site has hundreds of links: geoengineering.org
I see a lot of spraying at night when it's not so obvious. But a lot during the day, too. Most people never even look up, and the rest are too brainwashed to question what they see.