I'm in North Florida and seeing dozens, at least 60, Chemtrails at a time. I haven't seen anything like it in years. 'chem' doesn't return any results in Q posts.
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You may disagree, but you are only stating YOUR OPINION, not absolute fact.
Over SPicewood, where I live, they have indeed been spraying like crazy the last few days. Yesterday I saw almost a dozen different trails lingering and spreading across the sky. Contrails do not linger for hours or spread out to make a blue sky overcast.
I first learned about them after reading an article in Newsweek by the former science advisor to Reagan. He acknowledged that chemtrails are real, and different from contrails, but said that the reason for them was still speculation since the govt had refused to discuss it. He figured it had to do with cloud-seeding to create a protective layer in response to climate change. This was maybe 15 years ago or so.