Treasury Secretary and Biden side with hedgefunds: the deeply corrupt system is exposed to all the hopeful normies and they fucking hate Biden and puppeteers. Easy set-up for exposing the rest of the rabbit hole, leading to military removal.
Treasury Secretary and Biden do nothing to help the hedgefunds: GameStop skyrockets to ridiculous numbers and the hedgefunds cannot payout. They liquidate all their other investments. Market crash. Chaos. Corruption has still been exposed. Public skepticism far and wide as a primer for red pills.
Do you want to play a GAME?
Nothing can STOP what is coming.
Game over. We win.
Truthfully MSM supporters back MSM stronger than Flat Earthers. I’m not sure what it will take. I know someone on insulin that is about to have real issues. They somehow think that Trump lowered the price too much, and Biden had to save the manufacturers. That’s right... Trump tried to kill him by destroying the insulin producers... Clown World resident there...