we are not buying anything except GME, the short and the PAIN are in GME!!! not silver, BB, or anything else... GME is short saled at 121% last count, already costing hedgefunds 20+billion, more shorts will come due over the next few weeks. The price can skyrocket or tank, but I LIKE THE STOCK!!! so I'm holding, people are sitting on fortunes for principle not profit. not saying yolo and dump your 401k unless you want to... but stop sliding the focus GME is the focus, rest is just chatter
we are not buying anything except GME, the short and the PAIN are in GME!!! not silver, BB, or anything else... GME is short saled at 121% last count, already costing hedgefunds 20+billion, more shorts will come due over the next few weeks. The price can skyrocket or tank, but I LIKE THE STOCK!!! so I'm holding, people are sitting on fortunes for principle not profit. not saying yolo and dump your 401k unless you want to... but stop sliding the focus GME is the focus, rest is just chatter