posted ago by Aussie_Lurker ago by Aussie_Lurker +112 / -1

Appologies for the length of this post, it’s a complex subject. Hopefully the links work, if not will post in comments.

Does Q mention the climate in any drops?

I assumed that most here are aware of the man made climate change fraud narrative. If you are not then now is the time to wake up to the reality of what's going on with the climate.

It is becoming apparent that the Great Awakening is not just for normies.

We have entered solar cycle 25, also known as the Eddy Minimum. GSMs happen every 350-400 yrs & last 50 -70 odd years, the last being the Maunder Minimum 1645 to 1710. Then came the Dalton Minimum 1796 – 1810 ish, not as severe as the Maunder but devastating none the less & part of the lesser 100 yr cycle. NASA predicts the current Eddy Minimum to be the weakest in the last 200 years & comparable with the Dalton Minimum, it will peak around 2025.

Maunder Min https://www.historicalclimatology.com/features/what-was-the-maunder-minimum-new-perspectives-on-an-old-question

Dalton Min with a focus on Australia, a very interesting read written from an Actuary (someone who deals with risk assessment) https://www.actuaries.asn.au/Library/Events/SUM/2013/Sum2013PaperBrentWalker.pdf

What does it all mean? Global cooling! Increased volcanic activity & earthquakes, decrease in magnetic field strength causing an increase in cloud nucleating cosmic rays & magma excitation. Increased volcanic activity partially blocks the sun causing global temps to drop, its complex. https://electroverse.net/we-entered-the-modern-grand-solar-minimum-on-june-8-2020/

Volcanic activity aside, the Jetstream is also affected causing some parts of the globe to actually get warmer while others get colder, we saw this recently with Siberia experiencing heatwaves while the U.S. experienced unseasonal severe cold snaps. https://electroverse.net/recap-the-changing-jet-stream-and-global-cooling/

So what does it all mean for humanity? Basically massive crop failure, famine, reduced population due to starvation & the fall of empires. Yay, we certainly do live in interesting times. Not everyone will like how the movie ends. Glaciers will move south in the northern hemisphere which brings me to Trump ordering a fleet of icebreakers. Yes its true. Trumps icebreakers: https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2020/06/09/trump-memo-demands-new-fleet-of-arctic-icebreakers-to-be-ready-by-2029/

& https://www.naturalblaze.com/2020/06/trumps-new-icebreaker-fleet-and-the-grand-solar-minimum-2020.html

Roman Empire collapse https://www.livescience.com/okmok-volcano-roman-republic-collapse.html

Rise & fall of Empires in relation to solar activity, a great read  https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/history/ancient-economies/solar-minimum-the-fastest-decline-in-almost-10000-years/? Prof. Valentina Zharkova study in full : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23328940.2020.1796243

For the science buffs, Steve McIntyre, who is he? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_McIntyre

Steve’s website is dedicated to revealing the truth about the stats presented to the public re climate change. He is famous for debunking the “hockey stick graph”. Be warned its heavy going but well worth it. https://climateaudit.org/

I pray that the plan includes a strategy to minimize loss of life due to famine brought on by crop failure. I don’t know if that’s even possible but it certainly could be alleviated by a massive change in farming practices & adaptation to the changes that are coming.

As individuals I suggest if at all possible moving to warmer climate zones & out of cities. Finally learn to grow your own food. Just my 2 cents worth.