Where are people hearing this crap? It is not possible to short squeeze silver, there is a massive supply to draw from, so it isnt naked shorted by more shares than exist, which is what makes GME possible. Beyond that, institutions have been switching from short to long on silver for at least a month. Buy physical silver or gold, but dont expect a short squeeze. This is a distraction.
Thats exactly what it is. Dont get me wrong, silver has been suppressed through shorting and is a good long term play in my opinion, but its NOT going to be causing anything resembling what we saw with gme. Melvin likely covered much of their positions in the manipulated drops caused by trading halts, and the rise after. If they know when a fall and rise will happen... Because their owners/parent company are orchestrating it.. They can cover.
The reason this is all incredible is because normally theyd never be so blatant with the manipulation. Normally it would be subtle and much of it algorithmic. But this time they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar and got desperate to avoid rapid insolvency and worse, so they just made a hail Mary play out in the open. Their buddies in media and congress ran defense.. And it looks like theyre gonna get away with all of it.
I generally understand the idea, but 1.5 Trillion market cap? Does anybody honestly think we can make a dent? Nobody is skeptical about the timing of this push? Shills pumping this and bashing GME all over the internet? Who currently owns the vast majority of silver and who stands to profit the most?
Thank you for the link, finally some solid input. I'll be digging into this for the remainder of the day.
Tbh, I bought the physical silver because it's good to have diverse investments. I believe that with the way things are going (I hope) there won't be paper currency with any value in a few years. I am expanding into metals, as well as more in crypto and other tangible assets. I have read mixed reports about there being shortage in silver mining (probably due to electronics usage), and this causing some crises within banks, but that was secondary in my thinking. As the meme suggests, I don't know what I'm doing, though, but thought it was funny. I have mutual funds and some stock, but am not able (per SEC regulations without getting into it) able to purchase $GME. Of course, that doesn't stop congresspeople from insider trading.
Where are people hearing this crap? It is not possible to short squeeze silver, there is a massive supply to draw from, so it isnt naked shorted by more shares than exist, which is what makes GME possible. Beyond that, institutions have been switching from short to long on silver for at least a month. Buy physical silver or gold, but dont expect a short squeeze. This is a distraction.
Thats exactly what it is. Dont get me wrong, silver has been suppressed through shorting and is a good long term play in my opinion, but its NOT going to be causing anything resembling what we saw with gme. Melvin likely covered much of their positions in the manipulated drops caused by trading halts, and the rise after. If they know when a fall and rise will happen... Because their owners/parent company are orchestrating it.. They can cover. The reason this is all incredible is because normally theyd never be so blatant with the manipulation. Normally it would be subtle and much of it algorithmic. But this time they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar and got desperate to avoid rapid insolvency and worse, so they just made a hail Mary play out in the open. Their buddies in media and congress ran defense.. And it looks like theyre gonna get away with all of it.
I generally understand the idea, but 1.5 Trillion market cap? Does anybody honestly think we can make a dent? Nobody is skeptical about the timing of this push? Shills pumping this and bashing GME all over the internet? Who currently owns the vast majority of silver and who stands to profit the most?
Thank you for the link, finally some solid input. I'll be digging into this for the remainder of the day.
Tbh, I bought the physical silver because it's good to have diverse investments. I believe that with the way things are going (I hope) there won't be paper currency with any value in a few years. I am expanding into metals, as well as more in crypto and other tangible assets. I have read mixed reports about there being shortage in silver mining (probably due to electronics usage), and this causing some crises within banks, but that was secondary in my thinking. As the meme suggests, I don't know what I'm doing, though, but thought it was funny. I have mutual funds and some stock, but am not able (per SEC regulations without getting into it) able to purchase $GME. Of course, that doesn't stop congresspeople from insider trading.