I had this thought very early on, I honestly figured that they would use the AI and face recognition software to identify the people that just said fuck masks - making it way easier for anyone who disagreed with masks to be identified and later rounded up...
I chalked myself up as crazy when I had that thought clear back in mid early 2020.
I don't seem so crazy now, but I am concerned that I wasn't wrong.
the social distancing aids in A.I. facial and clothing Identification.
Plus, anyone carrying cell phones are easier to identify and segregate then due to the "required" distance.
That's why everyone has to keep with the same cheap masks.
Same non-descript clothing, same walking gate, shoes, etc.
Make it impossible for them to I.D. anyone.
We have rights as defined in the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Yes, but you also need to wear sunglasses, as the eyes are the main thing they use now. They've been updating the systems since mask wearing became common place.
In the beginning the theory I heard was that the masks would help with facial recognition. I thought it was crazy. How is it possible for them to recognize faces with just the eye area?
But then I started seeing all these idiots on Instagram posting pictures of themselves with masks on, and tagging each it other. Then it clicked for me. People are helping the A.I. improve the facial recognition algorithms. After all, they have that creepy ability to automatically recognize and categorize pictures by individuals. This mask thing is is just helping them fine tune that ability.
I think teeth are a natural, and almost permanent, unvarying facial recognition item.
Dental records are used a lot to identify so there's that as well.
Those dentists are always pushing a full 3d scan of people's teeth so there you go.
Flesh can vary a lot more, depending on year and edema (water load, etc.).
Retina scans or eye features are very good, but that probably can't happen if farther than 5 -10 feet or so.
That's where one's gate comes into play.
Identification is made at farther distances via someone's walking gate.
Masks, masks, masks, what the hell are they afraid of we might see their forked tongue?
Could mask wearing be a way of avoiding people being I.D.ed by some kind of crazy A.I. surveillance system?
Just putting it out there.
I had this thought very early on, I honestly figured that they would use the AI and face recognition software to identify the people that just said fuck masks - making it way easier for anyone who disagreed with masks to be identified and later rounded up...
I chalked myself up as crazy when I had that thought clear back in mid early 2020.
I don't seem so crazy now, but I am concerned that I wasn't wrong.
This is a really good point.
the social distancing aids in A.I. facial and clothing Identification.
Plus, anyone carrying cell phones are easier to identify and segregate then due to the "required" distance.
actually they teaching the AI to do facial recognition with masks
That's why everyone has to keep with the same cheap masks.
Same non-descript clothing, same walking gate, shoes, etc.
Make it impossible for them to I.D. anyone.
We have rights as defined in the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Oh but i thought the homemade Etsy masks with sparkles are so beneficial to ones health lol. Gayness. Oh and very good point fren!
Yes, but you also need to wear sunglasses, as the eyes are the main thing they use now. They've been updating the systems since mask wearing became common place.
but not at 10 feet+.
Still, shades are a real good idea.
Everyone has to wear them though.
In the beginning the theory I heard was that the masks would help with facial recognition. I thought it was crazy. How is it possible for them to recognize faces with just the eye area?
But then I started seeing all these idiots on Instagram posting pictures of themselves with masks on, and tagging each it other. Then it clicked for me. People are helping the A.I. improve the facial recognition algorithms. After all, they have that creepy ability to automatically recognize and categorize pictures by individuals. This mask thing is is just helping them fine tune that ability.
I think teeth are a natural, and almost permanent, unvarying facial recognition item.
Dental records are used a lot to identify so there's that as well.
Those dentists are always pushing a full 3d scan of people's teeth so there you go.
Flesh can vary a lot more, depending on year and edema (water load, etc.).
Retina scans or eye features are very good, but that probably can't happen if farther than 5 -10 feet or so. That's where one's gate comes into play.
Identification is made at farther distances via someone's walking gate.