Rginap 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ditto. My whole life I've never taken a flu vaccine until I started working. Ever since the plandemic, I've stopped and will never take another one.

Rginap 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. I'm surrounded by people who have willingly gotten both the flu and the Rona boostie. At the same time and even on the same arm for sometimes. And this is the booster that is not even required for my work (yet).

There's a lot of us that are awaken but also plenty of folks who are still asleep and will help continue to fund big pharma.

Rginap 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yup masks are still mandatory in hospitals. I'm sick of this crap, it seems like it's going to go on indefinitely.

Rginap 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is spot on from my observations as well. People WANT this fake pandemic to be real to give then a sense of purpose. It's pretty pathetic.

Rginap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude at my work they literally named the person who have Covid in an email. What the hell?! Talk about invasion of privacy, much less HIPAA.

Rginap 11 points ago +11 / -0

Same. And this is coming from someone who used to make fun of “antivaxxers” and wrote a college paper vaccines about how it doesn’t cause autism (hah! Oh college...). Just last year in the beginning of the scamdemic I was even going to get the jab as soon as I could. Now I wouldn’t even want to vaccinate my dog.

Rginap 9 points ago +9 / -0

I had someone say that about getting the jab too.

"If I die I die".

"I have so much health problems anyways so what if I will have fertility problems".

Why is their attitude not like that for the Rona? There's no hope for some people. I'm tired of wasting my breathe on these lost causes.

Rginap 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same here. Sadly, I’ve experienced this is with my childhood best friend that I’ve had for over two decades.

She explicitly told me to come to her if I ever needed someone to talk to. Yet when I told her about being redpilled, such as how Trump is not racist, BLM is a Marxist organization, that I no longer identified as a Democrat, and the news is fake, I haven’t heard a peep from her since.

These times really reveal people’s true colors, even if they are people that you thought that you knew and trusted.

Rginap 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lucky you. I feel like the more aware I am, the more pissed I am at the dumb mask mandates, knowing we don’t have to live like this. The people around me live in a bubble. They still live like it’s perfectly normal to have a face diaper on constantly. They don’t even know that there are places where people aren’t required to wear it.

Rginap 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I'm thinking they're talking about antibodies. That's what people test for after they're vaccinated to see their titers. You can also test positive for it if you already had Covid as well. Not sure how they would tell the two groups apart.

This article is just pure speculation. If they have a better argument I would be more inclined to believe it.

Rginap 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hell, a lot of us were unaware before. I used to like Obama and didn’t like Trump because I never did my research. We all have different times where we woke up. It’s not about who we were in the past, it’s about who we are today.

Rginap 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea of everyone being a potential carrier of disease is one of their propaganda tactics to get people to comply. They know people won’t if it’s about themselves only, but once they inject the social pressure and guilt then they were able to manipulate people more. Don’t beat yourself over it, you were coerced.

At least you are aware now, that’s way ahead of everyone else who still thinks the government only their best interest in mind.

Rginap 5 points ago +5 / -0

I used to be a bit of a germaphobe myself. I was washing my hands obsessively before it was cool, lol. But now after learning more about how your own health and immune system is the most important thing to avoid getting sick, I’ve actually been more relaxed about sanitizing everything and washing my hands after every little thing. I rather exercise my immune system rather than cripple it by constantly killing every little germ that comes my way.

Rginap 6 points ago +6 / -0

My favorite is those people fully masks and wearing gloves while shopping for grocery. Then they proceed to scratch their face and use their cell phones with said gloves. They don’t even follow their own logic.

Rginap 5 points ago +5 / -0

They’re there every Sunday from 3pm to 6pm. Check out the Telegram groups East Bay Freedom Lovers and CA SF Bay Area/San Jose OTBA for more rallies and connect with others.

Rginap 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cognitive dissonance.

Rginap 6 points ago +6 / -0

The game of chicken is exactly how I see it. The healthcare industry is desperate for workers, at least in my area. I keep seeing the same job postings over and over. Now they are even offering sign on bonuses. They NEED us.

In the hospital I work at, they are constantly needing people to work overtime too because they are so short on staff. Enough of us need to just stand firm and we will win. We the employees have the upper hand.

Rginap 11 points ago +11 / -0

U/MakeAmericaWinAgain makes a good analysis of how there people who are probably finally waking up but are doubling down on their mentality. It’s a really bad case of cognitive dissonance.

Imagine if you lived your life believing something for so long. It has turned your life upside down. And then there are things that don’t make sense to you anymore. It’s going to be more comforting to NOT admit to the truth and stick to what you know to be “truth” before. Essentially, they subconsciously choose to continue to live the lie because if they admit to the truth, that means everything that they have sacrificed from the last year and a half has been for nothing. That’s an existential crisis.

Particularly, people who tend to have high opinions of themselves with big egos tend to fall for in that trap more. They don’t have the humility to say they were wrong, so they say YOU are wrong, if even what you’re saying are facts. There’s nothing you can do to help them, they have to be open to it in the first place.

I’m in the same boat as you. It’s like living in the Twilight Zone. I’m trying to stay sane myself being surrounded by Coviots. You want to wake these people up and scream and shake them up. But it’s better to save your energy. If there are people who are honestly open to hearing it, then help them. But for the most part I feel like if they’re not awake by now, it’s hopeless.

Rginap 2 points ago +2 / -0

And Yelp. Where is the Asian support especially with the whole Rona thing that supposedly makes people racist against them?

Rginap 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m still recovering and it’s been a almost a year since I woke up.

Rginap 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s annoying af. Maybe that’s why their people tend to fail at life vs Asians are successful. Asians are too busy working instead of complaining.

Rginap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember last year when I started questioning the narrative. I wondered to myself how many kids died in my state for them to shut down all the schools. Guess how many? ZERO (as of Summer/Fall of 2020) per CDC’s own statistics.

What they’ve done to kids is a tragedy.

Rginap 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is sad. Child abuse!

Rginap 2 points ago +2 / -0

Paper straws make me rage. Especially those for drinking boba.

Rginap 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember once upon a time when I used to go on Reddit they were all marveling at the amazing foresight Fraudci and Hayes had because they both predicted the pandemic.

Now looking back with all the shit that's gone down, it's amazing how retarded Redditor are. It's so obvious that it's not just all an amazing coincidence.

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