The idea that all of the events foretold in Revelation are still yet to pass, that this beast system will apply to every square inch of the planet, is one interpretation, and it could very well be true. However there are many, many other well cited and plausible interpretations than the one most often pushed by the "mainstream" protestant/evangelical movement. It's what many of us were raised with from birth. But why is it what we were raised with from birth? Why would the mainstream deeply corrupted church push such a narrative SO hard?
Just stop and ask yourself, does it benefit the ruling class for Christians to be taught, from the moment they're born, that they will eventually be chipped and enslaved by the government, it is inevitable, and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it. Just stop and think, would that not be an extremely beneficial thing for the ruling class to convince us of? Who has been steering the church for the past 100 years? Those we trust the most. I'm not making any definitive stand here but I am wary of things that seem all too convenient to the ruling class being taken for granted at blind faith.
The idea that all of the events foretold in Revelation are still yet to pass, that this beast system will apply to every square inch of the planet, is one interpretation, and it could very well be true. However there are many, many other well cited and plausible interpretations than the one most often pushed by the "mainstream" protestant/evangelical movement. It's what many of us were raised with from birth. But why is it what we were raised with from birth? Why would the mainstream deeply corrupted church push such a narrative SO hard?
Just stop and ask yourself, does it benefit the ruling class for Christians to be taught, from the moment they're born, that they will eventually be chipped and enslaved by the government, it is inevitable, and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it. Just stop and think, would that not be an extremely beneficial thing for the ruling class to convince us of? Who has been steering the church for the past 100 years? Those we trust the most. I'm not making any definitive stand here but I am wary of things that seem all too convenient to the ruling class being taken for granted at blind faith.