Some drops on Telegram. This is one screenshot of Ashley Biden's diary, implying she had inappropriate showers with daddy Joe. (There are more pages but this site only seems to let you upload one pic per post)
Other drops this week shows Hunter got nude pics of his sister when she was 13 and a whole file dedicated to pics of her in the bathroom partially dressed like he was stalking er Instagram and collecting social media pics of her :/ Creepy.
I read the whole diary. At first it just seemed like a woman who was rejected by some guy but then it got crazy. She literally writes and acts like she’s an 18 year old girl. She’s in rehab for cocaine and possibly heroine. She is having affairs with married men while she’s married. She literally seems to have no clue what is going on in the real world with her family. Definitely has some sort of sexual trauma even though it’s unclear where it came from. She also resents Jill Biden. Jill apparently was mean to her and even told her once that she wasn’t really her daughter. It’s really really sad.
Disgusting. Yeah she said on this particular page that she couldn’t remember but I think it’s exactly like you said, she knows deep down but can’t remember all the details. Could be due to drugs or the trauma response. Probably both. Ultimately she just desperately wants to be loved
Some drops on Telegram. This is one screenshot of Ashley Biden's diary, implying she had inappropriate showers with daddy Joe. (There are more pages but this site only seems to let you upload one pic per post)
Other drops this week shows Hunter got nude pics of his sister when she was 13 and a whole file dedicated to pics of her in the bathroom partially dressed like he was stalking er Instagram and collecting social media pics of her :/ Creepy.
Whole family seems to be at it.
I read the whole diary. At first it just seemed like a woman who was rejected by some guy but then it got crazy. She literally writes and acts like she’s an 18 year old girl. She’s in rehab for cocaine and possibly heroine. She is having affairs with married men while she’s married. She literally seems to have no clue what is going on in the real world with her family. Definitely has some sort of sexual trauma even though it’s unclear where it came from. She also resents Jill Biden. Jill apparently was mean to her and even told her once that she wasn’t really her daughter. It’s really really sad.
How old is she? And remember she is a victim not a target
She was 37 when it was written. And yes she is definitely a victim. It was hard to read
Disgusting. Yeah she said on this particular page that she couldn’t remember but I think it’s exactly like you said, she knows deep down but can’t remember all the details. Could be due to drugs or the trauma response. Probably both. Ultimately she just desperately wants to be loved
Is this female writing? Also teen female font? Looks masculine to me.