AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Goddamn now THIS is a wild conspiracy theory lol love it

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Multiple meanings exist. Plus, this would be a kind of intelligence to watch...

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah i dont get why, Q tells us to question everything and expand our thinking, and how we're watching a movie etc.

I just cant see, with how much is riding on Trump remaining alive, that Q team would ever allow such blatant lapses in security when POTUS is supposed to be perfectly insulated etc.

It was clearly allowed to happen, so how would they ensure the bullet would miss to such a crucial width if not shot by themselves in highly controlled conditions?

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's always good to challenge what we see, especially after the Babbitt potential hoax shooting etc. We're watching a movie after all

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

And this disproves anything? Ashley Babbitt had fake blood packs too.

We're watching a movie 'n all...

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing else makes sense to me. He's very clearly insulated and thus everything that happens around him is tightly controlled.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes if nobody is hurt and it's all controlled. The Q plan explicitly states Patriots are in control. That's why they allowed the election steal, and certification to go through - technically a corrupt act which in reality is criminal and seditious - but they did it anyway as part of the great awakening project for normies.

So even Q believes in the ends justifying the means, as long as it is controlled.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They already allowed Garland to defy a subpoena which they put Bannon in jail for doing.

We already know they are above the law.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just dont understand how this is even so tight. A 2% difference between a dementia patient who can't think straight or string a sentence or walk up stairs or get the names of country leader's right,


A man who can do all those things, and won't cower under pressure, not even when fucking shot at.

Like seriously, the vote margins should be wide apart ffs. Especially after having lived through 4 years of what Biden can offer compared to the 4 years we got under Trump.

It's a no brainer, yet there's only 2% in it?? WTF

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe. Who knows at this point. Q team would never allow POTUS to be shot at when so much rides on him staying alive for the election. Thus the shot must have been fired in HIGHLY CONTROLLED conditions, and most likely by them somehow.

We need to expand our thinking!

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

But that's precisely why I dont believe any of this and what got me thinking.

I just cant see, with how much is riding on Trump remaining alive, that Q team would ever allow such blatant lapses in security when POTUS is supposed to be perfectly insulated etc.

It was clearly allowed to happen, so how would they ensure the bullet would miss to such a crucial width if not shot by themselves in highly controlled conditions?

We need to expand our thinking.

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yh im literally just discussing theories to do with Q on a Q board and getting downvoted into oblivion and told I'm a woke shill. Ffs, this community is becoming like Patriots.derp!

Q always said question everything and expand our thinking!!

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very possible. I just cant see, with how much is riding on Trump remaining alive, that Q team would ever allow such blatant lapses in security when POTUS is supposed to be perfectly insulated etc.

It was clearly allowed to happen, so how would they ensure the bullet would miss to such a crucial width if not shot by themselves in highly controlled conditions?

We need to expand our thinking.

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they are controlled by Q team white hats yes.

Also its very strange BBC had a reporter covering what was just another rally. Why was he there ready for it today of all days? He just happened to get the first interview with the key witness? Smells very Building 7 to me, almost like WH may have tipped them off as part of the wider plan...

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's blood and guts all over these blatantly fake shooting incidents the DS do, come on, thats no reason for it to be real.

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like discussing potential Q team theories on a Q board? lol

I'm English so I cant do anything like that anyway.

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