who still believes that the deepstate will be purged from the government and america will return to a republic. who here still believes that the Satanists, cannibals and pedophiles will be put in prison or even better, executed for their crimes. who believes that God will prevail over the plan to control america and the world. who believes in the Great Awakening that we will/are witnessing right now.
i want to know that im not alone.
With all my heart and soul! God has promised us this..
God promises eternal life for the faithful. There are no such promises relating to American politics.
Also your pretty new here handshake....perhaps you should go back to whence you came since your posts reflect a clear lack of maturity and smarts...
I wasn't referring to the political end of it...as you so wrongly assume...i was referring to the fight against the evil...He did promise to vanquish the evil, as a seer His covenants are clear on this...I have posted on His word through my visions, visitations and whispers,...perhaps you should go read some of them. There are people who know HIS plan...because we are told and shown it...Blessings