who still believes that the deepstate will be purged from the government and america will return to a republic. who here still believes that the Satanists, cannibals and pedophiles will be put in prison or even better, executed for their crimes. who believes that God will prevail over the plan to control america and the world. who believes in the Great Awakening that we will/are witnessing right now.
i want to know that im not alone.
OK. There are two options.
There is a plan in place.
Trump knew about electoral fraud back in 2012, came to DC with a plan, spent 4 years screaming about fraud and rigged system, did absolutely shit all and will go quietly into the night without firing a shot because he did not prepare for this outcome.
Which one seems more logical?
The main problem is that we all waited two and a half months thinking that the military would be used to prevent Bi Den from being inaugurated, due to misunderstood Q drops and a lot of datefagging (and pay-triots pretending that they had inside info about the plan).
Now we have pretty good evidence that things are happening behind the scenes, but we have no idea what is going on... and apparently we have 2 presidents, one hidden and the other fake...
I have to keep telling myself that this is all much bigger that a 4 year election and election fraud - it is literally a world wide war on the deep state. For some unknown reason, a fake Bi Den presidency is part of that overall plan. We won't know why until all the operations have been completed (if even then).
They need to be completed fairly soon. Otherwise more and more people will come to believe that the military has failed our country, and will begin to take matters into their own hands. That is the ultimate solution if everything else fails. That is quite literally why the second amendment exists in the first place. I hope that is not necessary and that the military has not failed us, but we will see.