who still believes that the deepstate will be purged from the government and america will return to a republic. who here still believes that the Satanists, cannibals and pedophiles will be put in prison or even better, executed for their crimes. who believes that God will prevail over the plan to control america and the world. who believes in the Great Awakening that we will/are witnessing right now.
i want to know that im not alone.
I've lost track of the number of times it looked like President Trump was in trouble, just to have the situation “magically” turn out to have been a net positive.
I was down for a day or two following election day, and then again after inauguration day. But then I realized:
Think of all the raging TDS sufferers. Would they ever have accepted Trump being elected last November? Or would it have been another 4 years of “not my president” and late night rage “humor?”
In contrast, this way they no longer have Trump to blame. This is their candidate and their president, who is fucking up their home. And this time after 4 years of retroactively blaming everything bad in history on President Trump, they don't have him in their faces anymore. He’s not in the White House, he’s not even on Twitter.
I think this is all deliberate. I believe this is all part of the plan—the “rescue the normies” phase. Without Trump clenched between their brain hemispheres 24/7, a non-trivial percentage of normies are now being given some time for their brains to unclench and come back on line. The ones who haven't been red-pilled up to this point now have a greater then ever chance to do so. Watch for Biden voters going, “Hey, wait a minute!”
President Trump was and is a big part of the Q operation, but never more than a part of it. He doesn't have to be permanently behind the desk for the plan to work.
I thought to myself, do I really think that after all this planning, the Q people were caught blind-sided when the deep state cheated, exactly as they’ve cheated in every other election? A collective Bill & Ted “No Way!” moment?
Trump/Q knew this was going to happen, and that this was the phase where the normies have to have their eyes slapped open, with the bonus of Trump out of the way for the sake of optics. (Though I also don't think he’s sitting there doing nothing down there at Mar-a-Lago.)
All the datefagging being done since Q started has never helped us one bit. Even the “obvious” ones like elections or the inauguration. Q never said “We’re gonna win!!” Q said to trust the plan, and also that the normies have to be shown, not just told.
This situation fits that statement better than anything I've seen so far.
I'm comfy.
Of course it is positive. Don't fall into their propaganda that they won. It just HAD to happen this way. Check the drops!!!