posted ago by jojoQ1 ago by jojoQ1 +17 / -0

There's so many ppl hammering out crap on telegram - it makes you wonder who exactly is making a profession out of this ?

CIA ? NSA ? MI5 ? Who has the time of day and more importantly the endurance and determination to pump this stuff out - a lot of it is a bit off the mark ... and alot of it spoils the real Q narrative.

Who has the time of day to pump these drops 24.7 ?

What are they in it for ? Some are trolling for bitcoin donations, but many are just hammering crap - it's clearly a pro operation of disinfo.

Too much fantastical stuff that's not even fit for a movie plot....

We need to get a grip and focus and look at hard reality - proofs and verifiable data and dig - not just spin wheels in the mud for an insane movie plot.

WE NEED to move this whole thing in a positive intelligent direction - jokes and memes are good - but there's too much emotion and too much hysterical noise going on.

The best way to hide a conspiracy is to dump fantastic crazy over blown ideas over the top of the real narrative, until you can't see the wood for the trees and you are forced back to the MSM that whilst kinda BS - actually tries to make a little sense, even if it's fantasy, it's comfortable for many people. See 9/11 - the truth never came out there because it went into alien lizardmen with energy weapons - so we couldn't ever discuss - that perhaps they just rigged a demo job 2 months prior and someone hit the button.....

Not everyone has the time of day to analyze every fine detail and sift out the actual truth from the conspiracy lies that paper over the actual conspiracies.

And not to doom or anything - all due respect, but every good operative has a fall back plan - come let's say 10th April - Biden is still banging away and nothing is happening and Trump is surfacing for a run at 2024 - he's clearly manufactured opposition at that point.... just a lot of hot air for nothing to keep people on hold - same thing happened in the UK - not to doom - but come April - if nothing is happening you gonna crawl off and STFU while everyone points a finger at you as a Q nut - or is this movement gonna coalesce into something more of a stable narrative ?

We can't have BS - fake WH - Biden greenscreen - they use it sometimes, but there's nothing to properly indicate he's not in the real WH - why wouldn't he be ? There's a clutching a straws attitude here that grabs anything and everything and goes silly with it and that combined with conspiracy lies throws the whole thing off....