posted ago by NanaQ45 ago by NanaQ45 +66 / -0

Just for context, imagine being drafted off to war and placed on the front lines in a foxhole and told to shoot straight ahead if you see movement. Now imagine being there for months on end. Do you know the whole situation? No. Does your commanding officer put up with you quizzing him all the time? No. When will you know what's going on? Hmm? You get moved around. Told to shoot. Again, you only know YOUR direct orders...then one day your commander tells you it's over. Good job. Go home. Then you get to spend years learning what you were really a part of.

You're a God Damn American! Trust yourself. Trust the military. And above all, trust God and HOLD THE DAMN LINE!! Do your part and the rest will do theirs! That's how wars are won!